1st VACCINE DEGREE, Dr Alfred Clinic, one of the Private Clinics that Cares for the Citizens of the Majalaya Community.

Located in the yard of Dr Alfred’s Clinic, one of the private clinics that cares for the citizens of the Majalaya community.

The 1st Vaccine Outlet with the community, especially in the Majalaya District, Bandung Regency by carrying out the title of the first Vaccine Bhakti Health for community residents with the target of Majalaya District Residents, Tuesday (28/9/2021).

Vaccination is for speed as to increase immunity at both the civil society level and the Indonesian government in dealing with the Covid-19 problem to create immunity for the Herd Immunity group in the hope that citizens are not easily exposed to the Covid 19 virus and are more productive in carrying out their daily activities.

“Yes, this is our effort in accelerating the handling of Covid-19 by helping the Central and Regional Governments for the community, especially those in the Majalaya sub-district as the implementation of the government’s program Towards (Predictive, Responsibility & Transparency with Justice) and supporting the Acceleration of Handling Covid 19 for Healthy Communities. and Economic Recovery Towards Advanced Indonesia.” said dr. Alfred as Clinic manager

As for the vaccination, it goes through stages first, and each stage is provided by officers who are ready to carry out examinations on vaccine participants, these stages are: First, the community members carry out the registration stage, then the Screening I stage (check body temperature/weight), Screening II (blood pressure), Screening III (doctor examination), followed by online Vaccine data checks for people whose registration uses online registration ( Registration Registration Examination), First Vaccine Injection, Vaccine Candidate is administered the last injection of Vaccine Participants Observation in Observation.

Suasta clinic dr. Alfred, who was on Jalan Babakan Majalaya, Majalaya Village, Majalaya Subdistrict, added, “We are joined by 10 Health Medical Workers. Alhamdulillah, as many as 150 people are planning to pass the 150 vaccines while waiting for those who have not been vaccinated, the type of vaccine used is the Sinovac Vaccine.” he added.

“Hopefully, after being vaccinated, the herd immunity will increase so that they can avoid the Covid-19 virus, but of course it must also be accompanied by daily health protocols,” he concluded.

Monitoring Global Investigation News during activities, the situation is safe and under control and continues to apply the Health and Health Protocol (Prokes) in accordance with the handling and prevention of Covid 19.

Journalist : Tatang Setiawan