GLOBAL INVESTIGATION NEWS.COM – Merangin, Police Chief Merangin AKBP Dewa Ngakan Nyoman Arinata, S.IK., MH, giving Doorprize Rewards in the framework of Vaccination of Children aged 6-11 Years Merangin Regency, Jambi Province.
Doorprizze rewards are given to school activities in order to encourage students and students to take part in the covid-19 vaccination, there are 3 (three) Elementary Schools that receive Doorprize Rewards, including SDN 253 Bangko, MIN 1 Merangin, SDN 33 Sungai Ulak. The Gebyar Reward Dorprizze activity was attended by the Merangin Police Chief, the Secretary of the District Education and Culture Office. Merangin, Head of the Merangin Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Merangin Regency BPBD, Head of Ops. Merangin Polres, teachers and students and elementary school and MIN students, closed AKP Edih, Head of the Subdivision of Public Relations of the Merangin Police.
The Head of the Resort Police Wants AKBP Dewa Ngakan Nyoman Arinata, S.IK., MH, to give a Doorprize Reward in the framework of the Vaccination of Children aged 6-11 Years.
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