IPSI Lampung Opens the Event for Uniforming the ASAD Persinas Course

Bandar Lampung, Pencak silat is a martial art as one of Indonesian culture which has been passed down by ancestors from generation to generation so we need to play an active role in preserving it.

Persinas ASAD is one of the pencak silat colleges that actively contributes to fostering and training the younger generation to produce young elites who excel in preserving culture and making the nation proud on the international stage.

In preparation for the 2024 PON, at the beginning of 2023 IPSI issued new rules in competition that every pencak silat school, including ASAD’s Persinas, needs to know so they can adjust to the new IPSI rules.

On this basis, the Lampung ASAD Persinas College held a socialization on the uniformity of IPSI and TOT moves on January 27-29 2023 at the ASAD Persinas Padepokan located in Bandar Lampung City.

The Secretary of IPSI Lampung Province, Riagus Ria gave a speech as well as officially opened the event which was attended by 65 participants consisting of alit, coaches and referees from areas throughout the province of Lampung such as Tulang Bawang, Tanggamus, North Lampung, Metro City and other.

In his remarks, the Provincial Secretary of IPSI Lampung explained that IPSI had updated the regulations in pencak silat competitions to become more perfect with the aim of being able to take part in world-class pencak silat competitions.

The plan is to socialize the new regulations that have been made, IPSI Lampung will conduct roadshows to various pencak silat academies in Lampung Province.

“IPSI also hopes that the fighters from Persinas ASAD can produce reliable athletes who can certainly make Lampung province proud,” he concluded.[]